RI Christmas Lectures 2022

Science & Engineering3 x 60' for BBC4

Professor Sue Black is joined by special guests to tell the story of forensic science

In the 2022 RI Christmas Lectures Sue Black, the UK's leading forensic anthropologist, shares the secrets of the real-life scientific detective process she uses to identify both the dead and the living. 

She'll reveal why we shouldn't believe everything we see in our favourite TV crime dramas; and using key cases from her remarkable career, she'll explore the huge leaps forward forensic science has made as well as some of its limitation - plus what the future might hold.

Series Producer Tom Ranson
Director David Coleman
Executive Producer David Dugan
Production Executive Alex Barraki
Production Manager Felicity Chapple
Assistant Producer Pete Devaney
Production Coordinator Violet Crawfurd
Researcher John George Bader
Production Team Davinia Isaac , Jenny Cropley , Jalal Dean Zia