Unearthed - Series One

Science & Engineering6 x 60' for Discovery Channel EMEA, Discovery Science, France TV, N-TV Germany, Red Bull Media

This series decodes history’s greatest mysteries in a new and unique way revealing ancient wonders in a way you’ve never seen before.

This series follows scientists using groundbreaking technology that can ‘see inside’ these ancient wonders to reveal hidden chambers and vaults. Immersive CGI animation pulls them apart - stone by stone - to expose their construction secrets.

We follow investigators who are working to both preserve and understand these iconic monuments – the architects, archaeologists and scientist who have made it their life’s work to study and protect the buildings they love.  

The series follows scientists using laser scanning to investigate the lost techniques of the medieval cathedral builders. It charts engineers restoring the Acropolis and discovering new secrets about the ancient Greek craftsmen. It also reveals how archaeologists are uncovering just how and why the ancient Maya practiced human sacrifice.

This series decodes history’s greatest mysteries in a new and unique way; revealing the hidden anatomy of London’s Big Ben, uncovering mysterious structures at the heart of the Great Wall of China, and deciphering the myths of the ancient Egyptians - revealing ancient wonders in a way you’ve never seen before. 

Executive Producer Carlo Massarella , Dan Kendall
VFX Executive Producer Rob Hartel
Series Producer Lucy Haken
Line Producer Annabel Walker
VFX Line Producer Jason Hendriksen
Production Coordinator Alexia Cheinoporou