RI Christmas Lectures 2004

Science & Engineering3 x 50' for Channel 4

Lloyd Peck journeys through the last truly unexplored corner of the globe... Antarctica.

Antarctica. A beautiful place. A deadly place. This accursed land could kill you in seconds. Yet it holds fascination for adventurers and scientists alike.

What animals can survive in 200 mph winds at -89oC? Just how many burgers would a human need to eat to keep going in those conditions? Professor Lloyd Peck from the British Antarctic Survey brings Antarctica to the lecture theatre, plunging himself into freezing water, getting up close to its huge mammals and climbing into its crevasses. 

Lloyd Peck journeys through the last truly unexplored corner of the globe and reveals the extraordinary world that lies at the bottom of our planet.

Presenter Lloyd Peck
Executive Producer David Dugan
Producer / Director Duncan Bulling
Assistant Producer Nicola Wilding
Production Manager Cherry Brewer
Production Coordinator Jason Hendriksen